Sensation Sensation Sensation! It’s been a long year but here we are yet again, destined to meet in the eternity of white yonder! How I’ve missed you! In years gone by I made a pilgrimage over hundreds of kilometres, across an entire nation to see you. Last year I transcended to a higher level of purpose through you and with you. This year, I come to you from the pinnacle of my swishing dreams, ready to share my happiness with you and to hear of your progress. Long live the night! I’m ready to leave the world behind me and let love take over!
What is Sensastion White might you ask?
Sensation is an large indoor dance event that originated in the
Sensation was originally a trance event but in later years it has become a pure house music affair. All attendees are required to wear white and the arena in which the event is held is elaborately decorated to match Sensation’s themes. This year sees Sensation make a return to
Magical moments of previous Sensation Whites’
Tiga dropping his Mind Dimension tune
I was sat catching my breath in the stands with a mate when Tiga dropped this sizzling tune, which had only just come out. I almost fell down the stairs as I rushed to the heart and pulse of the ocean of white beneath me to revel in the magic this monstrous tune created
Laidback Luke’s remix of Martin Soleveig’s “I want you” killer getting dropped (Sensation White , Parken stadium 2008)
I had this song stuck in my head months after Sensation was long gone. I don’t remember who dropped it or at what point during the night this took place, all my memory associates this song with every time I hear it is the sheer euphoria of being carried away to the mystical dreamland of Sensation White.
One of my mates (no names disclosed) trying to clamber over the barriers dividing the VIP section from the rest of the arena. He was promptly hauled down by a rather business-like bouncer and escorted to the exit. Luckily for him, it was closing time so we were on the way out in anycase. It had me laughing though !
In a few hours from now, I'll be back in the white wonderland again, larging it with the erstwhile Francesco Imperato & Marcelo Carasco. It's going to be massive !
Celebrate life !
Peace, love and hedonism.
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