torsdag den 24. maj 2012

Phasing out Capitalism and Communism

Anybody with half a mind that hasn't been sleeping under a tree for the last few years will no doubt agree that Communism and Capitalism have failed to address the main issues that hamper global development today.

We live in a world where social inequalities are accepted as being part of life, where the Western world, having farmed the third world through colonialism sits proudly on its laurels today consuming the produce of third world countries having developed and built up and hegemony of unparalleled proportions. The third world on the other hand, dependent on false interpretations of religion, superstition and a spectacular level of short-sightedness as far as individualistic thinking is concerned remains painfully subjugated, unable to influence its own fate.

Resource Based Economics- a tad idealistic, but what would you rather ? A society based on morals and ethics independent of religion, culture and so on or a culture of corruption under the guise of religion and culture (as is the case now with both Communism, Capitalism, Fascism, Monarchism...You name it) We're stuck on repeat, circling a drainpipe. It's spinning anti-clockwise south of the equator and clockwise north of it, faster for some, slower for others but ultimately we're all headed down the sink unless we find a way to stop the flow and replenish the basin. 

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