lørdag den 21. januar 2012


I'm scared of the sound of silence
Of the sound of not expressing myself
Musically, artistically, consciously, subconsciously
As long as i'm in the light, where it's warm
Where life sings to me in dreamy chords and distant whispers
I'm happy, In a musical comatose that seduces my nerves
For I feel unplugged and disassociated from cultural constructivism
I'm back to my core, to being a part of seven million others here
In this dreamy universe of stanzas and octaves, paint strokes and genuine smiles
I feel alone and void whenever I'm not in this state of comatose,
When i'm not trying to kill my feelings to fit in with the rest of society
For in this place, my naivety and fragility wonder freely
They do not get accosted and waylaid by the wayside by greed and cruelty
I'm at one with the sunrise and at peace with the crimson sundown
I embrace imperfection and we laugh and sing together in boundless continuity
And nothing really matters, I'm caught in a moment and it's special
Eternal and unlike anything the real world could ever offer

What language do YOU think in ? Music ? English ? Art ? Humanity ? French ? Danish ? Spanish ? Music ? Feeling ? Light ? Colour ?

Thank you Piano Guys, for sharing a part of your soul.

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