torsdag den 22. december 2011

The construction of Morality

I'm not an advocate of atheism as such, but if I had to choose between a reserved atheist who remains indifferent to religion and a religious fanatic, I do believe logic could make the choice for me without me having to think that much. In a world where one country prays for the downfall of another, through one religious standpoint or other, it is evident that someone is inevitably going to be disappointed..Could it be, as Carlin says, everybody ?  Religion in this case can represent anything from the fundamentalism that the conservative Bible states in The U.S advocate for or the insanity that drives terrorists to all the heinous acts they commit all over the place to the capitalist and materialist sensastionalisation that created Santa and the crisis in which we're in. So in theory, nation of atheists capable of independent critical thought would probably be a lot better than a bunch of religious fundamentalists who do what they are told without question, irrespective of whether doing so is morally sound.

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