mandag den 28. februar 2011
søndag den 27. februar 2011
The Rockabilly Circus
♥ Kúra(Live)
♥ Afrokid(Rust,Jolene)
♥ The Immigrants(Bakken,Faust)
♥ Borneland(Hussy)
I don't see an American dream, I See an American nightmare !
The week that's been in music. Volume I
Cymatic Frequencies by DK from Solid Steel on Vimeo.
Urban Language: Signs that speak
Beyond the impassioned stillness
Beyond the impassioned stillness of the crystalline night
Wandering, wavering, woolly. Vindicated from this sight
Lies but the mystique of the veritable. Tainted in enigmatic silence
Shrouded in a polychotomy of the real. Pained in incandescence
Beyond the sullen symptomatic surreal, the juncture of the obscene
Vilified, vaulted, verdant. Syndicated from the serene
Lies but the beauty of the known. Engulfed In displaced serenity
Imbued by the dainty elegance of the inane. Moulded in heterogeneity
Beyond the junction of the mundane serendipity of the whole
Endeared, endangered, exposed. Implicated in the conjured soul
Lies but the sanity of the enacted. Trapped in implacable cadence
Clothed in the syntax of the established. Beyond the set silencePerenially Nomadic
This fleeting movement has become a part of me. A perennial longing for the elsewhere, a constant criticism of the present. Assimilated inasmuch as dissatisfaction vents its venturing spleen, scattered in the plausible reality of the present. Alone with the vices, not even nature can reach me here, not in this mass matrix of technology and conformity. Elemental disposition, disinterested souls and poised appearances, the misleading syndicate of mankind’s humility towards himself. Acceptance is key, rejection a displacement, neutrality an affable luxury at the dispense of an entire generation inseparable by age, gender and ecology, unified In the righteous individuality of role playing and regularity.
fredag den 18. februar 2011
Man and Nature
Beyond the concrete jungle and the platitude normality of city life, there is a world that remains relatively unperturbed by the scorn of modern man.
onsdag den 16. februar 2011
Ski slopes ahoy!
I always enjoy the ecstasy of enjoying the winter (as opposed to suffering painfully through it that is)
mandag den 14. februar 2011